Musical Terminology: quasi - ruvido

quasi (Latin and Italian) as if, almost, e.g. quasi recitativo like a recitative in an opera, or quasi una fantasia like a fantasia
rallentando or rall. Broadening of the tempo (often not discernable from ritardando); progressively slower
rapido fast
rasch (Ger) fast
religioso religiously
repente suddenly
restez (Fr) stay; i.e., remain on a note or string
rinforzando (rf) reinforced; i.e., emphasized; sometimes like a sudden crescendo, but often applied to a single note
risoluto resolutely
rit. an abbreviation for ritardando;also less frequently considered an abbreviation for ritenuto
ritardando, ritard., rit. slowing down; decelerating; opposite of accelerando (see in this list)
ritenuto, riten., rit. held back; i.e., slower (usually more so but more temporarily than a ritardando, and it may, unlike ritardando, apply to a single note)
roulade (Fr) a rolling; i.e., a florid vocal phrase
rubato robbed; i.e., flexible in tempo, applied to notes within a musical phrase for expressive effect
ruvido roughly

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