Crosspicking is a technique popularised by bluegrass musician Jesse McReynolds for playing the mandolin or guitar using a plectrum or flatpick in a rolling, syncopated style across three strings. This style is probably best known as one element of the flatpicking style in bluegrass music, and it closely resembles a banjo roll, the main difference being that the banjo roll is fingerpicked rather than flatpicked. The essential element of the technique is the use of three pitches played repeatedly within a four-pulse rhythm. This results in a continual shifting of the pitches vis-a-vis the accented pulse. The three pitches are usually played on three adjacent strings -- one per string. The pick direction can vary, depending on the required emphasis and the melody. Jesse's crosspicking roll is down - up - up / down - up - up... creating a repeating pattern of notes that expresses the melody. The traditional banjo roll form is down - down - up / down - down - up / down - down - up . . . ; this helps to accentuate the "threes" nature of the pattern against the "four" rhythm. The other way is using strict alternate picking: down - up - down / up - down - up / down - up - down . . . . This may be more comfortable for players who are using alternate picking for most of their playing. In actuality, one (or more) of the three pitches may be varied from one repetition of the pattern to the next, for instance the top note could be toggled up and down one step. In country music some electric guitar players hold a flatpick between the thumb and first finger and use the second and third fingers to create the roll. |
George Shuffler Crosspicking Crosspicking on the mandolin Crosspicking over chords Crosspicking lesson: The Backward Roll Crosspicking lesson: Forward Backward Roll "Wildwood Flower" - Crosspicking Prev Top Next |