Pattern picking is the use of "preset right-hand pattern[s]" while fingerpicking, with the left hand fingering standard chords. The most common pattern, sometimes named Travis picking after Merle Travis, is as follows: M I P M P I P M I P M P I P The thumb (P) alternates between bass notes, often on two different strings, while the index (I) and middle (M) fingers alternate between two treble notes, usually on two different strings, most often the second and first. Travis' own playing was much more complicated and not limited to patterns; he referred to his style of playing as "thumb picking", possibly because the only pick he used when playing was a banjo thumb pick. |
Travis Picking - Jim Travis Finger Picking - Landslide Travis Picking Demo - Tom Travis Picking techniques for Richard Thompson's song Travis picking on electric guitar - Paul Pigat Prev Top Next |