Guitar Lesson #51: Rhythm Guitar

Rhythm guitar is the use of most commonly an electric guitar or sometimes an acoustic guitar to provide rhythmic chordal accompaniment for a singer or other instruments in an ensemble. In rock, blues, or metal bands, the guitarist playing rhythm guitar supports the melodic lines and improvised solos played by the guitarist performing the lead guitar part.

Rhythm guitarists usually aim to generate a stronger rhythmic and chordal sound, in contrast to the lead guitarists' goal of producing a sustained, high-pitched melody line that can be heard over top of the band. As a result, rhythm and lead players may use different guitars and amplifiers.

Basic Rhythm Guitar - Justin Sandercoe

Acoustic rhythm guitar: How to play the blues zz top - Jennifer

Blues rhythm guitar: How to play blues guitar- Jennifer

Power Chords and Rhythm Playing - Nick Nolan

Basic Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar Lesson part 1 - Ryan Crist

Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar Lesson part 2 - Ryan Crist

Jimi Hendrix Style rhythm guitar tricks part 1 - Justin Sandercoe

Jimi Hendrix Style rhythm guitar tricks part 2 - Justin Sandercoe

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