Types of Saxophone |
Saxophone Lesson #1: Sopranino Saxophone |
Saxophone Lesson #2: Soprano Saxophone |
Saxophone Lesson #3: Alto Saxophone |
Saxophone Lesson #4: Tenor Saxophone |
Saxophone Lesson #5: Baritone Saxophone |
Saxophone Lesson #6: Bass Saxophone |
Saxophone Lesson #7: Contrabass Saxophone |
Saxophone Parts |
Saxophone Lesson #8: Mouthpiece |
Saxophone Lesson #9: Reeds |
Saxophone Lesson #10: Ligature |
Saxophone Lesson #11: Left Hand Keys |
Saxophone Lesson #12: Right Hand Keys |
Saxophone Tips |
Saxophone Lesson #13: Assembly, Disassembly and Maintenance |
Saxophone Lesson #14: Posture and Finger Placement |
Saxophone Lesson #15: How to Choose a Saxophone |
Saxophone Lesson #16: How to Fix a Sticky Key |
Saxophone Lesson #17: How to Tune the Saxophone |
Learning Notes |
Saxophone Lesson #18: First Notes: B, A, G, C, D, E, F |
Saxophone Lesson #19: Flat Notes and Sharp Notes |
Saxophone Lesson #20: Saxophone Fingering Chart Part 1 |
Saxophone Lesson #21: Saxophone Fingering Chart Part 2 |
Saxophone Lesson #22: Octaves |
Saxophone Scales |
Saxophone Lesson #23: Diatonic Scale |
Saxophone Lesson #24: Chromatic Scale |
Saxophone Lesson #25: Pentatonic Scale |
Saxophone Lesson #26: Blues Scale |
Saxophone Lesson #27: Bebop Scale |
Saxophone Lesson #28: Whole-tone Scale |
Saxophone Chords |
Saxophone Lesson #29: Types of Intervals |
Saxophone Lesson #30: Triad |
Saxophone Lesson #31: Seventh Chords |
Saxophone Lesson #32: Dominant 7th Chords |
Saxophone Lesson #33: Major and Minor 7th Chords |
Saxophone Lesson #34: Half Diminished 7th Chords |
Saxophone Lesson #35: Diminished 7th Chords |
Saxophone Lesson #36: II-V-I progressions |
Saxophone Lesson #37: Twelve Bar Blues |
Saxophone Playing Techniques |
Saxophone Lesson #38: Embouchure |
Saxophone Lesson #39: Breathing and Warm Up Routine |
Saxophone Lesson #40: Vibrato |
Saxophone Lesson #41: Tonguing |
Saxophone Lesson #42: Slaptonguing |
Saxophone Lesson #43: Growling |
Saxophone Lesson #44: Overtone |
Saxophone Lesson #45: Arpeggios |
Saxophone Lesson #46: How to Improvise |
Saxophone Lesson #47: Trills |
Saxophone Music |
Saxophone Lesson #48: Classical Saxophone |
Saxophone Lesson #49: Contemporary Saxophone |
Saxophone Lesson #50: Funk Saxophone |
Saxophone Lesson #51: Jazz Saxophone |
Saxophone Lesson #52: Bebop Saxophone |
Saxophone Lesson #53: R&B Saxophone |
Saxophone Lesson #54: Rock Saxophone |
Saxophone Lesson #55: Smooth Jazz Saxophone |
Saxophone Lesson #56: Swing Saxophone |