Ukulele Lesson #9: Major Chords

In music, each chord is described as a series of intervalic relationships to the root of the chord. This provides an accurate and easily understandable basis for working out these chords in each key.

Terms used to describe intervals:
r = root of the chord
b2 = minor second = 1 semitone above root
2 = major second = 2 semitones above root
b3 = minor third = 3 semitones above the root
3 = major third = 4 semitones above the root
4 = perfect fourth = 5 semitones above the root
#4 = augmented fourth (aka Tritone) = 6 semitones above the root
b5 = diminished fifth = 6 semitones above the root
5 = perfect fifth = 7 semitones above the root
#5 = augmented fifth = 8 semitones above the root
b6 = minor sixth = 8 semitones above the root
6 = major sixth = 9 semitones above the root
b7 = minor seventh = 10 semitones above the root
7 = major seventh = 11 semitones above the root

A major chord is the triad made up of a major third and perfect fifth above the root—if the root of the chord is C, the chord will consist of the notes C, E and G. This is also known as a major triad. In the simplest terms, it consists of the root note, a note 4 semitones higher than the root, and a note 7 semitones higher than the root.

For the following tables:
Tunging = GCEA
o = open string
Fingers 1 = index, 2 = middle, 3 = ring, 4 = pinky
Frets 0003 = the first string is fretted on the third fret but no others are
Chord Numbers Notes Frets
C MajorR 3 5C E G0003
C Major 6thR 3 5 6C E G A0000
C Major SeventhR 3 5 7C E G B0002

Chord FingersFrets Chord FingersFrets
C C Major 0003Db Db Major 1114
D D Major 2220 Eb Eb Major 3331
E E Major 4442 FF Major 2010
Gb Gb Major 3121 G G Major 0232
Ab Ab Major 1343 A A Major 2100
Bb Bb Major 3211 B B Major 4322

Major Chords – A, B, C, D, E, F, G

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Moveable Chord Forms (A, F, D) for the Ukulele – Major Chords

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High Major Chords – E, F, G

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