August 2, 2008 GFA International Convention and Competition

  San Francisco, California. War Memorial Opera House Guitar Foundation of America (GFA) is a non-profit guitar organization founded in the year 1973. The company offers various services ranging from guitar lessons, to a guitar shop, competitions and events. It is devoted to furthering the knowledge of and interest in the guitar and its music.
GFA International Convention and Competition 2008 will be held from August 5-10, 2008 in San Francisco, California. The beautiful new facilities at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music will be used for the competition and the evening concerts, and the elegant and classic San Francisco War Memorial and Performing Arts Center (see photo), a few blocks away, will serve as the central location for most of the daytime activities. Both facilities are in the heart of beautiful downtown San Francisco. The six-day event is expected to draw 70 to 80 of the world's top instrument makers and publishers.

All convention registrants are invited to audition to perform in a masterclass at the convention. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn from a world-class artist, and make the most of your time at the convention.

Lectures for the GFA International Convention 2008:
• Thomas Heck: "Research Resources Online"
• Stephen Goss/Jonathan Leathwood: "Oxen of the Sun"
• Robert Phillips: "Compositions of Miguel Llobet"
• Alex Dunn: "Beethoven and the Guitar"
• Alan Steel: "Sibelius: Music Software - Uses and Possibilities"
• Lawrence Ferrara: "Teaching Guitar Online"
• Tony Morris: "Public Radio, YouTube, MySpace and the New Media"
• Ruth Felt, Donald E. Osborne, Hugh Gilmartin: "An Artist in the Marketplace"
• Stephen Rekas, Jerry Snyder: "Publishing: a Roundtable Discussion"
• Russell Bond, Rainer Gembalczyk, Stephen Pasero: "Recording for the Independent Artist"
• Scott Cmiel: "Developing Talent in Young People"
• Bill Swick: "You Just Completed Teaching Your First Year of Beginning Guitar Class. What next?"
• Frank Longay: "Suzuki Guitar"
• Kevin Vigil: The Role of the Guitar in Public Schools and Current Instructional Practices"
• Travis Marcum, Matthew Hinsley: "Austin Classical Guitar Society's Education Outreach Program"

The GFA 26th Annual International Solo Guitar Competition is open to all guitarists regardless of age, who are at the outset of their careers and who are not represented by major management. The winner will embark on a concert tour sponsored by the GFA to celebrate his/her success. GFA will support the artist by booking approximately 40-50 concerts throughout North America, and arranging for his/her travel.

The GFS's Youth Solo Competition is open to competitors, regardless of nationality, who are not older than 14 (14 & Under Division) or 18 (15-18 Division) years old through the date of the competition finals, and who are not represented by professional management.

GFA International Convention and Competition 2008

August 5 (Tuesday) – 10 (Sunday), 2008

San Francisco Conservatory of Music
San Francisco War Memorial and Performing Arts Center
San Francisco, California

SOURCE: GFA International Convention and Competition 2008

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